Saturday, September 21, 2013

Coxhealth Helping Pregnant Women and Parents Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking SPRINGFIELD, Mo.  Congratulations goes out to CoxHealth who will be the host of a no cost Freedom From Smoking course starting on Sept. 26.  The curse is for pregnant women and their significant others who smoke.

CoxHealth is urging women who smoke or who are around second-hand smoke to participate in the this free event.  Cox has partnered up with the American Lung Association on this one.

Denise Vaughan who is a nurse educator for the CoxHealth Women's Center says that, “The dangers of cigarette smoke to an unborn child are well-documented.  We also know that many women return to smoking as soon as they deliver and we want to do everything we can to help mothers and their significant others quit smoking for good."

Good job Denise!

Research will show that smoking can double the risk of placenta problems, both of which can put mother and child in grave danger.  Cigarette smoke can also slow a child’s growth, which increases the likelihood that the baby will be born under weight, with an increase in the chances of a premature birth, and the odds of SIDS goes up by two.

Denise also points out that, "There is no question that quitting smoking is best for baby. But it’s important to remember that it’s best for a family’s long-term health, too.”

So, if you're in the Springfield are and want to attend, here are the details of the class:

When:  The Freedom From Smoking course will be offered as a seven-week session beginning on Thursday, Sept. 26 from 6-7 p.m.

Where:  Classes will be held in room 006 at Olin Library on the Drury University campus, 900 N. Benton Ave., Springfield, Mo.

Parking:  Participants may park along Drury Lane and Burnham Circle, and in lots #1 and #2 at the corner of Durry Lane and Centeral St.

Registration is required for this program, which is made possible by a grant from the Missouri Foundation for Health.

To register, or for more information, call 417-269-LADY.

BONUS OFFERING:  Anyone who attends this event, email me a copy of your registration and I will send you an autographed copy of my book, "How To Stop Smoking Without Killing Anyone" at 50% off.  You will be able to use this book to support what you learned and reinforce your resolve to stop smoking for your child and your family.  My email: